You can have everything Steen's in this great set, attractively boxed for gift giving! Filled with one each of these five products. Scroll over photos for expanded view.
One (16 oz) bottle Pure Cane Syrup
One (12 oz) can Pure Cane Syrup
Ingredients: Sugarcane Juice
Shelf Life: Two Years
Ready to eat
One (16 oz) bottle Southern Made Blended Syrup
Ingredients: Corn Syrup, Pure Cane Syrup, Water, Sodium Benzoate as a preservative
Shelf Life: Two Years
Ready to eat
One (11.5 oz) bottle Dark Molasses
Ingredients: Sugarcane Juice
Shelf Life: Two Years
Ready to eat
One (12 oz) bottle Cane Vinegar
Ingredients: Pure Cane Vinegar diluted with water to 5% acidity
Shelf Life: Two Years
Ready to eat

How ‘bout addin’ a little lagniappe to your order?

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